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Lots of Notice to Holders on Wells Fargo CTSLink

Lots of Notice to Holders have been popping up on Wells Fargo CTSLink over the past week. The most interesting we found was the notice of a $30.5 MM settlement for CMLTI 2007-AMC2 Group 1. Other notices include receipt of rep & warranty settlement payments from DB Structured Products, Inc. (which appear to have been distributed to investors), notice that settlement discussions are continuing, notice that the Trustee has been informed of possible breaches of reps & warranties, and those Ocwen servicer default notices which state that the Master Servicer will not be conducting another solicitation. There may be others types as well.

We list the 89 deals with recent notices and the title of the notice as listed by Wells Fargo. The title is not always meaningful, so if you see a deal that interests you, it is worthwhile to download the actual notice. We have included excerpts from some of the notices.

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