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October 2016 Remittance - More Statistics, Observations and Lots of Property Finds

Topics in today’s Commentary

  • Performance Statistics as of October 2016 Remittance

  • Largest Losses – October 2016 Remittance

  • Largest Loss Severities (where Loss > $250K) – October 2016 Remittance

  • 2nd Lien Balloons (15/30)

  • Deferred Debt Recovered at Liquidation or Payoff – 2016 only

  • Deferred Debt Recovery appears much lower than it should be – Investors took too much loss

  • Thanks a lot HAMP. Forbearance would have been better

  • HPI adjusted valuations don’t work

  • Understanding those Large Delinquent Loans

o WFALT 2007-PA3; Loan # 000073657363; Servicer: Wells Fargo

o BCAP 2007-AA2; Loan #155662133; Servicer: Nationstar (BAC)

o WAMU 2007-HY2; Loan #760807108; Servicer: Chase

o JPALT 2006-A7; Loan #140900793; Servicer: Nationstar

o CWHL 2006-TM1; Loan #112706587; Servicer: BAC/hirisk sub BAYVIEW split 17/83

o BCAP 2007-AA2; Loan #155186093; Servicer: Nationstar

o INDA 2007-AR7; Loan #127145406; Servicer: Ocwen (Onewest 11/13)

o DBALT 2007-AR3; Loan #0114566931; Servicer: Nationstar (BAC)

o CWHL 2006-TM1; Loan #119932164; Servicer: BAC/hirisk sub BAYVIEW split 17/83

o WMALT 2007-OA3; Loan #761003455; Servicer: Chase

o CWALT 2007-HY9; Loan #171258527; Servicer: SPS (BAC-covered trust 04/12)

o JPALT 2006-A1; Loan #1842098290; Servicer: SPS

o JPALT 2007-A2; Loan #0157693325; Servicer: Nationstar (BAC)

o CWALT 2006-OA21; Loan #154745859; Servicer: BAC/hirisk sub SPS split 47/53

o WAMU 2007-HY2; Loan #760807342; Servicer: Chase

o HVMLT 2006-9; Loan #0141401031; Servicer: Nationstar (BAC)

o INDX 2004-AR5; Loan #3695918; Servicer: Ocwen (OneWest 11/13)

We have BPOs on 1/3 of all seriously delinquent loans and on some deals 100% of all seriously delinquent loans. We are also exceptional at tracking down the property for you. Let us help you.

Contact us at 203-276-0672 to become a client and access all reports and attachments.

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