December 2017 Remittance - Initial Observations
Dan and I sincerely appreciate your trust in us and we are grateful that you were able to include our services in your Non-Agency RMBS budget. We look forward to assisting you in 2018 with our commentary, data, analytics and support. We continue to improve our services with every additional data find and idea. Our goal each year is to improve on the value we deliver to you. In 2017, we distributed 61 commentaries and valuable data and insight on forbearance, updated valuations, advances, call rights, shared appreciation modifications, settlement proceeds, litigation, and natural disaster exposure. We matched troubled loans to property addresses, uncovered errors made by the servicers, trustees and other third parties and discovered some fascinating stories along the way.
We have more data than just Non-Agency RMBS. We will get that list and some analysis distributed in 2018. We also have a data hosting platform that is lightning fast, highly flexible, with first-rate reliability and high level AWS-based security. We can host data from CoreLogic, Black Knight and eMBS at a reasonable price. We’ve had great success so far at seamlessly transferring over clients onto the AWS cloud.
Happy and Healthy 2018. We are always an email/phone call away.
Called – December 2017 Remittance (preliminary)

“Group 1 Final payments include proceeds of the RMBS Settlement with ResCap in accordance with the Plan and applicable modifications and as reported by the Trustee. Interest Distribution may also include Prior Accrued Certificate Interest Remaining Unpaid amounts”
Source: BNY Mellon remittance statement – December 2017 – 3 RAMP deals
774% Severity - $5.7M loss on a $785K loan ??
CWL 2007-7; Loan # 159142254; Servicer: BAC; Trustee: BNY Mellon
Address unknown BigFork (Flathead County), Montana 59911 (zip code may be wrong)
If you are a Certificate Holder in CWL 2007-7, call BNY Mellon. DEMAND AN EXPLANATION.

Contact us at 203-276-0672 to become a client and access all reports and attachments.